5 questions would be shown from a total of 30 free practice questions to prepare you for the cadet pilot interview. Enjoy!
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1. You sample the fuel out of an aircraft, and it’s clear. What kind of fuel is on board?
When it’s clear you have Jet A on board. Jet A can also be straw-colored, but in this example, no other fuel is clear.
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2. Why does avgas have lead in it?
It’s still used because it prevents engine knocking, also known as detonation.
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3. Engine detonation is ________.
Detonation happens when small pockets of fuel/air mixture ignite at the wrong time, typically before the spark plug fires. This causes shockwaves and a ‘pinging’ sound in the engine.
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4. The acute angle between the chord line of the wing and the direction of the relative wind is the _____.
The acute angle between the chord line of the wing and the direction of the relative wind is called the angle of attack.
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5. You’re enroute when you have an engine failure. You should maintain ______ to maximize the distance you can fly with your failed engine.
In a single engine aircraft, best glide provides the best forward distance in an engine failure. Keep in mind, this airspeed, however, does not guarantee the longest time aloft during an engine failure.
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