5 questions will be shown from 30 free practice questions to prepare you for the CFA level 2 exam. Enjoy!
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1. The most accurate interpretation of Whelan’s conclusions concerning the pre- and post-acquisition HHI is that they are:
An HHI greater than 1,800 indicates that an industry is highly concentrated. Should the HHI in a highly concentrated industry change by 50 or more, a governmental challenge to a particular business combination is very likely. In this instance, the industry is highly concentrated and the HHI changes by 90, making Whelan’s second conclusion incorrect. A government challenge is likely. Whelan’s second conclusion is not correct. Whelan’s conclusion that the industry is highly concentrated is correct.
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2. With respect to LeCompte’s coverage of UniFlash, according to the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct, the least appropriate course of action for Topaz to take would be to:
. According to Standards I(B)–Independence and Objectivity and V(A)–Diligence and Reasonable Basis, members and candidates must exercise diligence, independence, objectivity, and thoroughness in analyzing investments, making investment recommen- dations, and taking investment actions. Changing a written recommendation to what a subject company desires is not acting diligently, independently, objectively, and/or thoroughly, and the analyst should immediately revise her recommendation to express her stated opinion of the company. Changing a written recommendation to what a subject company desires is not acting diligently, independently, objectively, and/or thoroughly.
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3. In sharing her research material with the subject companies, LeCompte most likely violated CFA Institute Research Objectivity Standards with respect to her report(s) on:
LeCompte violated Requirement 6, Relationships with Subject Companies, by sharing the full research report with NanoMem. Sharing any section of a research report that might communicate the analyst’s proposed recommendation, rating, or price target is prohibited by the Research Objectivity Standards. Sharing historical factual information, on the other hand, is not a violation. LeCompte shared with UniFlash management only the part of her report on UniFlash that provides factual information.
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4. Which of the statements made by the member of the Board of Directors is most accurate?
Initial market reaction is an important barometer for the value investors place on the gains from merging as well as an indication of future returns. A spin-off does not generate cash for the parent company. The more of the merger that is paid for by stock, the more that the risks and benefits of realizing these synergies (assuming they really exist) will be passed on to the target shareholders—hence a lower benefit will result if more stock is used.
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5. The best answer to Napier’s question about the effect of Nanuk on Sunjet’s other comprehensive income is that Nanuk’s:
Nanuk is translated under the current rate method, so its translational exposure is its net asset position. The weakening CAD (see Exhibit 2) will generate a re-measurement loss in Sunjet’s other comprehensive income. It is the net asset position that is exposed to exchange fluctuations under the current rate method. Per Exhibit 2, the CAD is depreciating vs. the USD so would generate a loss. Candidates may think the CAD is strengthening. Nanuk’s net monetary liability position would generate a re-measurement gain under the temporal method, but it is the net asset position that is exposed to exchange fluctuations under the current rate method.
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