CISM Certification Exam Preparation checklist
Since each person’s learning method and preparation time are different, you can choose the following exam preparation methods according to your own needs.
1) ISACA official online courses
2) ISACA official proposal list
3) ExamTopics
5) CISM Review Manual, 15th Edition
6) Bee Prepared CISM Question Prep
Start free CISM mock questions practice now!
Steps to get a CISM certificate:
1) Confirm eligibility
2) Sign up and take the test
3) Complete the Eligibility Application Form
4) Process review
5) Pay the membership fee
6) Continuing Professional Education (CPE)
Before deciding to prepare for the CISM exam, please confirm that you have the basic requirements, and the exam results are only retained for 5 years
ISACA requires at least five years of work experience in the following four fields. If certain conditions are met, one to two years of work experience can be credited, and a maximum of two years can be credited
DOMAIN 1 – Information Security Governance
DOMAIN 2 – Information Risk Management
DOMAIN 3 – Information Security Program Development and Management
DOMAIN 4 – Information Security Incident Management
It is recommended to find a verifier first (a direct supervisor). After passing the CISM test, you will need the verifier recommendation.
ISACA also provides some sample questions to understand the current level of knowledge:
Free 8 tips to pass CISM exam infographic
CISM Examinations
CISM offers many languages for testing options, including Simplified Chinese and English.
Exam Duration: 4 hours
Number of questions: 150 questions
Format: multiple choice
CISM Exam day
Remember to bring your passport
Read the topic description carefully to avoid misunderstanding the meaning of the topic
After submitting the answer, the system will show whether the preliminary test is passed or not
Completion of a minimum of 20 hours of continuing education credits per year.
Complete a minimum of 120 hours of continuing education credits every 3 years.
CISM Exam Cost
Membership USD: 195
New Member Fee USD: 10
Exam: USD 575
Apply for certification: USD 50
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